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palm kennel oil – Porsh & Glance African Market
palm kennel oil

palm kennel oil


This oil is an edible plant oil extracted from the palm kernel, which is the seed found inside the palm fruit. The oil obtained can either be dark brown (black) or light yellow (or clear). The difference in the colour stems from the extraction process.

The health benefits of this organic product are priceless.
Manyanga (Palm Kernel Oil) Black: Excellent for the skin.

So good that it is used on premature babies.
Nourishes the skin better than most baby lotions on the market. And it smells nice when you’re ready to change … perception.

The palm is arguably the richest tree in the world when it comes to natural gifts. It is blessed with many priceless resources, including palm kernel oil.
Palm kernel oil is obtained from palm fruits. It is dark black in color and has a unique strong taste and smell.

* It’s a great remedy for epilepsy.
* Palm kernel oil prevents aging.
* Palm kernel oil increases hair growth.
* It helps detoxify the body.
* It helps in softening the skin.
* It combats body odor.
* An organic product from Cameroon.


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