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Frozen fresh snail ( large size ) 4 PCs – Porsh & Glance African Market
Frozen fresh snail ( large size ) 4 PCs

Frozen fresh snail ( large size ) 4 PCs


  • Buy Frozen Snails 1 kg online from Markets. NG.
  • Our Frozen Snails 1 kg snails are freshly caught, frozen, healthy to eat and are available for you to use for dishes.
  • We deliver straight to your location and on time.
  • How To Use Snails / What It Snails Are Used For
  • Snails can be used for a number of things from eating them to using them in cosmetics. Snail shells can also be grounded up into fine dust and used for cleaning the back of pots.
  • Health Benefits Of Snails:
  • Snails possess anti-cancer properties.
  • They boost the immune system due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Snails comprise 80% water, 15% protein and 2.4% fat.
  • They contain essential fatty acids, calcium, iron, selenium, magnesium and are a rich source of vitamins E, A, K and B12.
  •  Snail slime was used in ancient Greece where it was used to heal skin and ulcers and to reduce scarring.
  • Snail slime contains allantoin, antibiotics, glycolic acid, collagen and elastin, which heals and regenerates skin cells minimising scars.
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